Sunday, May 22, 2011

read update at

拉里L應得物 Dickey' A.M.C.F的s烤肉請讀了05/2011更新吹動。 Dickey' s烤肉 快速地傳播比掠過火在與地點的7月在國家周围,裝飾胸襟的BBQ提議得克薩斯估量了贏利! 液體資本要求: $50,000

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I say set your government FREE!

I say set our government FREE:
From spending billions of dollars on us. Let your Government Build out our infrastructure, Protect our boarders, Invest in our safety, Invest in new technology,
Invest in clean energy,  Cut out taxes  let the company's where we spend our money pay the taxes, and a lot more our Governments  can do . Hello, my name is Larry L. Dues, Founder and CEO of the American Multi Cultural Fund (A.M.C.F.) and the Ark USA LLC. A.M.C.F. objective: Simply put, Is to make all of A.M.C.F. members very rich. A must read website ( AMCF will make you rich! You will be able to buy all that you need: Med.Ins. Food, Housing, Cars, pay your own bills, Open your own businesses, and to help your families enjoy the comforts of modern living, No more low – incomes And give up the dependency on food stamps.Wont need social surety.  To see the Big picture Join us today the membership is free. We are all God children, so no matter were you live you are invited to join us in our cause/ movement. At   request friend and I will confirm you and invite you in to A.M.C.F.

this fund will make you rich: You don,t need the GOV. help ! set your Gov. Free....

this fund will make you rich: You don,t need the GOV. help ! set your Gov. Free....: " Will you be my friend in the USA .Please request my friendship on my profile ( ) I’m also CEO of A.M.C.F. (Ameri..."